Udemy – Learn Java Programming – Bootcamp 2023

Udemy – Learn Java Programming – Bootcamp 2023
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Learn to master Java Programming from Beginner to Professional, with Hands-on practical exercises and more

This course will teach you Java Programming from scratch, where you will learn everything right from the fundamentals of Java Programming to writing advanced programs with implementing Object Oriented methods and more. Learning Java as a first or second programming after C could be quite challenging, as it involves a lot of advanced functionalities even when you are heading to write your very first code. So don’t worry, here I won’t be just teaching Java Programming, but you will also learn everything required to execute your java programs, including environment variables, JDK, JRE, JVM, bytecode, etc. You will also learn how the code is actually implemented, and the process running behind the scene. You will also learn to troubleshoot and rectify errors as and when they appear. You may find this course a bit different from other courses on java, because in other courses there is almost little to no emphasis on Error Handling.

This course is divided into 5 major sections, where you will learn key concepts, syntax, in the early sections where you will build your skills on Java, developing an adequate understanding of Core Java Programming. In the later sections, you will find Hands-on practical examples, where you will learn about writing practical Java Programs, executing them and understanding the outputs and errors.

Below is a list of concepts and skills you will learn in different sections:

Section 1: Introduction

Overview of Java Standard Edition (SE) and Java Enterprise Edition (EE)

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), JDK (Java Development Kit), and JRE (Java Runtime Environment)

New features in Java 11

Section 2: Fundamentals

Declaring and defining Java Variables, datatypes,



Static and this keywords

Section 3: Control Statements

Writing conditional statements with if and else,

switch and case

Writing control statements (loop) with for,


break and continue keywords

Section 4: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Class and Object

Polymorphism- Overloading and Overriding


final and super keywords

Section 5: Practical Exercises

Conditionals with if-else (nested, if-else ladder, etc)

Conditionals with switch case

For and foreach loops

Fetching Input with Scanner and calculating- Area of Circle and Triangle

Calculating distance between two points

Finding Factorial of a number

Data Structure with Array- Average, Discount, etc

Operating Strings- Reversal

Implementing OOP- Class Object, Inheritance, Method Overriding, polymorphism, etc

Linear Search

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