To-Do App with Jetpack Compose MVVM – Android Development | Udemy

To-Do App with Jetpack Compose MVVM – Android Development | Udemy [Update 05/2024]
English | Size: 4.37 GB
Genre: eLearning

Build a To-Do App using Modern Declarative UI Toolkit called Jetpack Compose to Accelerate your UI and App development.

What you’ll learn
Develop Android App from Scratch
To-Do App with Jetpack Compose
New Declarative way of Building UI
Introducing with Jetpack Compose
Composable Lifecycle
Initial Composition and Re-composition
States in Jetpack Compose
Side Effects
Layouts in Jetpack Compose
Build Custom UI Components
ROOM Database
Compose Navigation
Dependency Injection with Dagger-Hilt
Preferences DataStore
Support for Dark and Light Themes
Animate UI Components
Animated Splash Screen
Swipe to Delete Animation
Clean Architecture
Transition Animations
And many more!

Hello there and welcome to my course! In this course I’m going to teach you how to build your first Android App from scratch, using a popular UI toolkit called Jetpack Compose.

I know that lots of you have been waiting for this moment, a moment when Jetpack Compose became stable! Now it’s the right time to be an Android Developer! With a Jetpack Compose building Android Apps is going to be exciting, fun and a lot simpler then before. We are not going to need XML anymore.

Instead we are going to build our UI with a regular Kotlin file, using the full power of Kotlin programming language. Also creating custom UI component has been easier. So you want to build a custom UI component, no problem, just start by adding a simple function annotated with @Composable annotation.

And of course how would this course look like without a real project? Our To-Do application which we are going to develop in this course will have a Single Activity and Zero Fragments. Sounds impossible? Well it isn’t. So better get used to it, because that will greatly simplify the process of developing Android apps.

Now at the beginning of this course I’m going to introduce you with Jetpack Compose in general and with some of the most important concepts as well. You will learn everything about the Lifecycle of a single composable and how Compose Compiler is doing all the hard work for you behind the scenes.

In this course we are going to use some of the most important Android Architecture components like:

– ROOM Database: To save and read the data from a local database, plus we are going to write some custom SQL queries as well.

– Compose Navigation: So we can navigate between our Screen Composables. And At the end of the course you will also learn how to add some beautiful transition animations as well.

– ViewModel: Which will contain all the logic needed to work with our app.

– Preference DataStore: To persist a simple key-value pairs.

– And you’ll learn about a popular dependency injection library called Dagger-Hilt. You will see how to inject a ViewModel with different dependencies without needing to create a ViewModel Factory.

By default our application will support Dark Mode as well, and you will learn how easy it is to have two different themes of your app with a Jetpack Compose. You will also learn how to build your own custom UI components.We will use some of the most popular material components along with a Scaffold, which is an amazing composable function that uses SLOT API, to place all your UI components in the place they belong by the rules of material design documentation.

To-Do app on which we are going to work on will have an animated Splash Screen, as some other components in our app. Also an Animated Swipe to Delete functionality which will allow us to easily remove an item from the list. Along with that we will add a safety feature called UNDO deleted item, which will display a SnackBar whenever we delete an item from the list, so we can get it back by one click. You will learn planty of other things related to the new way of developing Android Apps.

And finally this course will be constantly updated with new videos whenever needed. Whenever we find a bug in our app, then I’m going to record a video about it and we are going to fix it together. Plus you’ll be in contact with me throughout this whole course, and you can always ask me a question related to this course and even suggest some code cleanup for the project if you are skilled enough to find it.

Overall this is going to be quite a journey.

So what are you waiting my friend, let’s start learning!

Who this course is for:
Android Developers
Android Designers
Anyone who wants to learn new way of Developing Android Apps
Anyone who wants to learn more about Jetpack Compose by working on a real project
Anyone who wants to keep up with the Latest API’s for Building Android Apps
Anyone who wants to build Android Apps with ease
Anyone who wants to improve skills and stay up to date




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