Reconnaissance for Red Blue Teams | Pentester Academy

‪Reconnaissance for Red Blue Teams | Pentester Academy
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Genre: eLearning

Reconnaissance the first and probably most important step of pentesting and red-blue teaming exercises. A well done recon can help prioritize which systems to go behind first and to dedicate more time and resources. In recent times, there has been a lot of technological progress in fields in web development, cloud tech, machine learning etc. which has led to a fundamental change in how networks are created and run. There has also been an introduction of a ton of new network and application components because of this. The focus of this course to help attendees understand these new technologies and components better.
A non-exhaustive list of components we plan to cover include:

Caching servers: Memcache
Web servers: Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, Gunicorn, Tornado, Nodejs
Distributed queues and brokers: RabbitMQ, Celery, Kafka, ActiveMQ
Datacenter: ESX, KVM, Docker, Kubernetes
NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, CouchDB, ArangoDB, Couchbase
and many others
In it important to note that this is a Recon course and not an exploitation one. The latter will be covered in a different course.

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