English | Size: 1.96 GB
Genre: eLearning
Build Nextjs Authentication with NextAuth Register, Login, Logout, Change Password, Reset Password, Validation
What you’ll learn
Learn React js next js best practices.
Manage login, register, forgot and reset password, sending emails,form validation, protected routes
Create the perfect authentication system 2023
Learn how to send emails using smtp services like Mailtrap and Nodemailer
Learn how to wrote strong typed code using Typescript
Server side and client side rendering
Fully responsive with TailwindCSS
Protect the route of authenticated user.
Hello , Welcome to the Next JS Authentication course.
In this comprehensive course we are building authentication systems with Next.js 14, you will going to learn everything you need to develop secure and scalable authentication for your Next applications.
We will start step by step by covering the fundamentals of Next.js explaining routing and building authentication.
Next, we will build a full authentication system features like:
• User Login and Registration forms
• Use Credential provider and Github provider.
• Protect all the pages with Credential.
• Integrate Mongodb database in next app and store register user in database.
• Add validation in Signup and Login pages.
• Build fully responsive Register and Login page with TailwindCSS.
• Build Forget Password & Reset Password Functionality.
• Store Github provider user data in Mongodb.
• Learn Client Side and Server Side Rendering.
• Securing routes with Next-Auth session data.
• Use TypeScript to write strong code.
You will learn how to store user data in mongodb and manage user sessions,credential and github provider for login and register user and restrict access to certain pages and APIs based on authentication.
By the end of the course, you’ll have a strong foundation in Next.js and the skills to build robust authentication systems for your own Next applications from scratch. You’ll be able to securely manage user accounts and password, and restrict access to route and functionality.
Who this course is for:
Developer who want to learn Nextjs Authentication
React Developer how want to level up the skill.
Who this course is for:
React Developer how want to level up the skill.
Developer who want to learn Nextjs Authentication

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