Mocking Node.js with Sinon | Pluralsight

Mocking Node.js with Sinon | Pluralsight
English | Size: 190.72 MB
Genre: eLearning

Creating unit tests is a skill, just like any other part of software development. This course will teach you how to effectively isolate your unit tests with spies, stubs, mocks, and fakes.

Creating unit tests that are independent of external systems can be difficult and intimidating. In this course, Mocking Node.js with Sinon, you’ll learn to use the Sinon library for mocking external dependencies while testing your code. First, you’ll explore why mocking matters. Next, you’ll discover the differences between mocks, stubs, spies, and fakes. Finally, you’ll learn how to use a mock in your unit tests. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of using mocks needed to write unit tests isolated from external dependencies.

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