Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: QnA Maker | Pluralsight

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: QnA Maker | Pluralsight
English | Size: 85.29 MB
Genre: eLearning

FAQ pages are important because they help your customers be successful with your product; however, there are two main problems. Products that are large in size tend to have large FAQ pages, which makes it difficult for your customers to find the answers they need, and customers may not have access to a device that can clearly display an FAQ page. In this course, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: QnA Maker, you will learn how to create an FAQ chat bot using the QnA Maker and Azure Bot Service. First, you will learn how to create question and answer pairs. Next, you will train your knowledge base to understand natural language. Finally, you will connect your knowledge base to a chat bot that can be used in many channels such as websites, Slack, email, and text message. When you are finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of how to create chat bots using QnA Maker and Azure Bot Service.

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