Master DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps | Udemy

Master DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps | Udemy
English | Size: 7.67 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps from ZERO, no previous experience required
6 Most Popular DevOps Tools – Docker, Kubernetes, Azure Devops, Jenkins, Terraform, and Ansible
DevOps Building Blocks – Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code
Implement Azure DevOps Pipelines integrating Docker, Kubernetes and Terraform on AWS EKS and Azure AKS
DevOps with Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery on Azure DevOps and Jenkins
Containerization and Container Orchestration for Microservices with Docker and Kubernetes
DevOps with Docker, Docker Compose and Kubernetes
Implement Service Discovery, Centralized Configuration and Load Balancing for Docker Microservices deployed in Kubernetes
Join 450,000 Learners having AMAZING LEARNING Experiences with in28Minutes

******* DevOps Course Overview *******

DevOps is all about People, Process, and Tools. In this course, you will understand the basics of DevOps and learn to do DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Azure DevOps, and Jenkins. You will learn to implement DevOps with Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Infrastructure as Code. You will play with 3 different clouds – AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.

You will do DevOps with Docker to create and run Docker images for:

Hello World Applications – Python, JavaScript, and Java

Microservices – Currency Exchange and Currency Conversion

You will learn the basics of Kubernetes on the Google Kubernetes Engine implementing Service Discovery, Centralized Configuration, and Load Balancing for Microservices.

You will do DevOps with Kubernetes using Terraform (Infrastructure as Code) and Azure DevOps (Continuous Delivery) on multiple cloud platforms (AWS and Azure)

You will learn the basics of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and implement them using Jenkins and Azure DevOps. You will learn to Create Kubernetes Clusters and Deploy Docker Containers of Microservices to Kubernetes using Azure DevOps Pipelines on the Cloud with AWS EKS and Azure AKS.

You will learn the basics of Terraform and Ansible and implement Infrastructure as Code. You will provision a number of AWS Resources – EC2 Instances and Load Balancers – using Terraform and configure them with Ansible. You will learn to provision Kubernetes Clusters in AWS and Azure using Terraform. You would learn to run Terraform Configuration in Azure DevOps Pipelines.

This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to DevOps with Docker and Kubernetes.

******* Important DevOps Sections *******

Quick Overview of DevOps

Master DevOps – Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform and Azure DevOps

Start DevOps with Docker

DevOps and Containerization

Docker and DevOps

Understanding Docker Popularity – My 3 Top Reasons

Learn Docker Commands

Build and Push Docker Images to Docker Hub

Docker and Microservices – Quick Start

Explore Docker Compose

DevOps with Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine

Docker, Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine

Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Kubernetes Concepts – Pods, Replica Sets, and Deployment

Generate Kubernetes YAML Configuration for Deployment and Service

Understand and Improve Kubernetes YAML Configuration

Deploy Microservices to Kubernetes

Microservices and Kubernetes Service Discovery – DNS

Microservices Centralized Configuration with Kubernetes ConfigMaps

DevOps Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform

Creating and Initializing First Terraform Project

Creating AWS Resources with Terraform

Terraform State – Desired, Known and Actual

Terraform Console

Understanding Terraform tfstate files in-depth

Creating Terraform Project for Storing Remote State in S3

Creating multiple environments using Terraform Workspaces

Creating multiple environments using Terraform Modules

Learn Azure DevOps – Continuous Integration, Deployment and Delivery

Getting Started with Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery

Getting Started with Azure DevOps

Exploring Azure DevOps Pipeline

Variables and dependsOn for Stages

Azure DevOps Pipeline Variables

Running Azure DevOps Jobs on Multiple Agents

Azure DevOps Deployment Jobs – Environments and Approvals

Azure DevOps Releases

CI, CD and IAAC on Azure AKS Kubernetes Clusters with Docker, Azure DevOps and Terraform

IAAC for Azure AKS with Azure DevOps, Terraform and Kubernetes

CI, CD and IAAC on AWS EKS Kubernetes Clusters with Docker, Azure DevOps and Terraform

IAAC for AWS EKS with Azure DevOps, Terraform and Kubernetes

Learn Azure DevOps with Boards and Backlogs

Azure DevOps with Demo Generator

Azure DevOps – Boards, Wiki, Repos and Pipelines

Azure DevOps Boards – Epics, Features and User Stories

Understanding Sprints in Azure DevOps

Creating Azure DevOps Queries

Azure DevOps Repos

Azure DevOps Pipelines

Learn Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Learn DevOps Configuration Management with Ansible

Creating EC2 Instances for Ansible – Manually and with Terraform

Ansible Commands

Ansible Playbooks

Ansible Variables

EC2 Dynamic Inventory with Ansible

Appendix – DevOps Best Practices and Perspectives

Step 01 – DevOps – Break down the wall

Step 02 – DevOps Perspectives – CAMS

Step 03 – DevOps Best Practices

Step 04 – DevOps Perspectives – Continuous DevOps

Step 05 – DevOps Maturity Assessment – Questions to ask

Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!

Who this course is for:
You are a beginner to DevOps
You are a programmer wanting to explore DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps
You want to automate deployment of your microservices to the cloud using DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps

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