Hacker-Arise – Bugg Bounty
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Welcome back my aspiring bounty hunters!
In recent years, bug bounty hunting has become a lucrative and legitimate career for those with hacking skills! In this series, we will introduce you to the field of bug bounty hunting and train you to find those bugs for the lucrative bounties!
Before we get into the technical details of how to find bugs, let’s take few minutes to introduce these programs for those of you who are new bug bounty hunting.
What is Bug Bounty Hunting?
Bug bounty hunting are programs employed by software companies and website owners to employ the cadre of hackers to find vulnerabilities (bugs) in their systems before the bad guys do. Before bug bounty hunting started, hackers were given a choice of selling the vulnerabilities to the bad guys or revealing them to software developers who often ridiculed and stigmatized them. These software developers often viewed hackers as the enemy. As a result, these companies saw their software constantly attacked and cost them and their customers millions of dollars. Some brilliant individual thought to use all those clever hackers to make their software more secure and the bug bounty programs were born!
Bounty hunters are the individuals who try to break the software. When they are successful, they report the “bug” to the company and are rewarded with a bounty (payment). Some often compare bug bounty programs to a external audit of their software by millions of eyes.
Bounty hunters may possess a wide-range of skills or be specialized in a particular area such as mobile apps (few people have the skills to test everything successfully). When bounty hunter finds a bug, they produce a vulnerability report to the company who owns the software so that they can fix the bug and make their software more secure. If the report is accepted, the company pays the bounty. The amount of the bounty is proportionate to the severity of the flaw found. Usually the bounties are few hundred dollars to a hundred thousand dollars. My fellow author at No Starch Press, James Forshaw, received $100,000 from Microsoft for finding a bug in Windows 8.1 In some rare cases, bug bounty hunters have made over $1 million
finding multiple bugs, such as the Argentinian hacker, Santiago Lopez seen below.