Data Structures and Algorithms In C | Udemy

Data Structures and Algorithms In C | Udemy [Update 08/2022]
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Genre: eLearning

Data Structures and Algorithms in C Using C DSA Data Structures Algorithms LeetCode C DSA C Data Structures Algorithms

What you’ll learn
Understand the details of Data Structures and algorithms (DSA) through animations
Learn to write programs for different Data Structures and Algorithms in C language
Get the confidence to face programming interviews
Test your knowledge with over 100 Quiz questions
Learn how to analyse algorithms
Get the ability to write and trace recursive algorithms

This “Data Structures and Algorithms In C” course is thoroughly detailed and uses lots of animations to help you visualize the concepts.

This “Data Structures and Algorithms in C” tutorial will help you develop a strong background in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). The course is broken down into easy to assimilate short lectures, and after each topic there is a quiz that can help you to test your newly acquired knowledge. The examples are explained with animations to simplify the learning of this complex topic. Complete working programs are shown for each concept that is explained.

This Data Structures and Algorithms using C course provides a comprehensive explanation of data structures like linked lists, stacks and queues, binary search trees, heap, searching, hashing. Various sorting algorithms with implementation and analysis are included in this tutorial. Concept of recursion is very important for designing and understanding certain algorithms so the process of recursion is explained with the help of several examples.

This Data Structures in C course covers following topics with C language implementation :

Algorithm Analysis, Big O notation, Time complexity, Singly linked list, Reversing a linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list, Linked list concatenation, Sorted linked list.

Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, Dequeue, Priority queue, Polish Notations, Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Tree Traversal (inorder, preorder, postorder, level order), Recursion, Heap, Searching, Hashing

Sorting : Selection, Bubble, Insertion, Shell, Merging, Recursive Merge, Iterative Merge, Quick, Heap, Binary tree, Radix, Address calculation sort

Here is the course content-

Algorithm Analysis

Linked List

Stack and Queue


Binary Tree

Binary Search Tree





Throughout this Data Structures and Algorithms with C course, a step by step approach is followed to make you understand different Data Structures and Algorithms. You will see code implementation of different data structures in C language and algorithms are explained in step-wise manner. Through this course you can build a strong foundation and it will help you to crack Data Structures and Algorithms in C coding interviews questions and work on projects. Good foundation on Data Structures and Algorithms in C interview topics helps you to attempt tricky interview questions.

In this Data Structures and Algorithms Through C In Depth course, C language programs are used for implementing various concepts, but you can easily code them in any other programming languages like C++, C#, Java, Python.

This Learn Data Structures and Algorithms In C online course on udemy will help software developers to refresh the concepts studied in Data Structures and Algorithms In C books / pdf and also to students learning from referred book / pdf.

This DSA Self Paced course helps students to have great foundation to solve DSA in C problems. This will help them to solve LeetCode problems and in google faang coding interviews.

Who this course is for:
Programmers looking for jobs
Programmers wanting to write efficient code
Computer Science students having Data Structures as part of their curriculum
Non Computer science students wanting to enter IT industry



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