Vue.js Fundamentals | Pluralsight

Vue.js Fundamentals | Pluralsight
English | Size: 1,000.76 MB
Genre: eLearning

Vue.js is one of the most lightweight and enjoyable front-end development frameworks for building modern web applications, and there are a lot of important concepts to learn to become a skilled Vue developer. In this course, Vue.js Fundamentals, you will gain the foundational knowledge required to build robust, production-ready applications with Vue. First, you will build your own project from scratch with the Vue CLI, including creating components and manage communication between components. Then, you will learn to create routes and navigate from page to page, manage state and communicate with the server using Vuex, and create custom directives. Finally, you will deploy your application to production. When you’re finished with this course, you will have gained the fundamental skills and knowledge of Vue.js needed to create reliable and professional Vue applications.

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