Unix/Linux Commands with basic shell scripting All in one | Udemy

Unix/Linux Commands with basic shell scripting All in one | Udemy
English | Size: 1.59 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
Get hands on in Unix / Linux /Ubuntu Commands , Basic Shell scripting mostly useful for Dev/Tester /DevOps
Become professional in working on Unix and Linux machines/ Servers
Do automation for task using shell script
Hands-on in vi editor for file create / insert / update /delete Operation
Advance Unix commands like grep , cut ,sed , awk powerful tools to do anything

Below are points that will be covered during the course along with real IT experience that will help one to speed up his work

when interacting with unix or linux OS.

Each IT professional or student must have this skill as these OS are widely used across all industry. Andriod is also a unix type Operating system.

User based operations , controlling process and memory , monitoring tools for disk management

Powerful Unix tool like cut, grep , sed , awk are covered here

Shell scripting , task scheduling, crontab , vi editor and lot more….

I have added few resources which will be very helpful as well as small quizzes to test your own skills

Who this course is for:
Every Beginner in IT industry
Beginner who want to learn Linux or Unix commands , shell scripting
Middle-ware support Engineer / Developer / Big Data Engineer / Tester / Production Support / Students



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