Udemy – Your Last Intro to Programming Course

Udemy – Your Last Intro to Programming Course-BiFiSO
English | Size: 3.65 GB
Category: Tutorial

What you’ll learn
Be able to describe the structure and functionality of web applications
Create dynamic web pages using HTML/CSS & JavaScript
Initialize a development environment on your own machine
Build HTML forms for data collection
Become familiar with the command line interface
Setup continuous integration deployment with GIT Publish your web pages for the world to see
Be prepared for a more advanced web development course
Stop being dependent upon web portal development
Bonus: Receive a $500 credit toward CodeWorks Immersive Training

Welcome to CodeWorks,

We are excited you have chosen CodeWorks as an education partner in the Developer Community. We look forward to teaching you about this crazy career that we love.

Cutting the Fluff

When learning any new craft it is crucially important to narrow your scope and focus on key skills. At CodeWorks our team of skilled professionals keep you on track by teaching the concepts required for employment. Many other courses suffer from information overload resulting in students missing out on the truly important information. This form of unfocused education is extremely ineffective and typically results in a severe lack of skill. Our counter to these problems is to keep a laser focus on the topic at hand and not dive into topics that distract from the core goal of the course.

We take pride in our courses and the last thing we want is for a course to sit idle in our students libraries because the barrier of learning is unapproachable. We happily accept feedback and suggestions from our students on how we can continually improve our teaching methods and course content.

Good Luck with this course and have fun while you Develop Your Future!

Course Description

This course is designed to kick-start your journey of becoming a professional software developer. Rather an focusing on complex math or the history of computers, At CodeWorks we pinpoint the necessary skills to start writing effective employable code and keep every lesson geared to that single focus. Throughout the course you will find several lessons, exercises, videos, and challenges to help you in your learning.

– It is our goal to make this course your last intro to programming course.

Who this course is for:
People who are tired of being in the endless beginners loop
Web based development portals have failed to actually teach you

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