Udemy – Machine Learning (ML) Bootcamp Python, TensorFlow, Colab

Udemy – Machine Learning (ML) Bootcamp Python, TensorFlow, Colab
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Category: CBTs

Machine Learning (ML) Bootcamp Python, TensorFlow, Colab,
Master the 3 M’s of ML: Maths, Methods and Machine
Do you want to master Machine Learning (ML) – the key field of the future?

ML is the core of artificial intelligence and will transform all industries and all areas of life.

This comprehensive course covers the three M’s Maths, Methods and Machine, and is easy to understand.



Linear Algebra

Probability theory



Machine learning libraries




Estimators & Predictors

Neural Network (Deep Learning)

Support Vector Machine

K-Nearest Neighbor

Decision Tree

and many more

Concepts & techniques

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Neural Machine Translation (NMT)

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)

Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN)

and many more



Cloud Computing

Colab Cloud Notebook

These three building blocks will give you the deep understanding of the subject.

Machine Learning

Supervised learning



Unsupervised learning

Reinforcement learning

Furthermore projects will provide insights into real life solutions.


Titanic dataset (binary classification)

Boston Housing dataset (regression)

Student performance (binary classification)

Hand-written digits (image recognition & generation)

Stock market predictions

Text recognition and language translation

Autonomous driving (reinforcement learning)

Mastering the game of GO (deep reinforcement learning)

Segmentation of customer data (PCA)

Spam detection (Bayes)

Do not hesitate and join the course. ML will transform your life!

This course is extraordinary, as it is easy to understand, and combines education with entertainment.

Learning should be exciting!

Who this course is for:
Everyone who is interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Pupils, students, employees in all kind of roles, self-employed workers
Course content

Videos 48 lectures
Time 04:53:08

What you’ll learn

The three building blocks of Machine Learning: Maths, Methods and Machine.
Maths: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Naive Bayes
Methods: Neural Networks, Deep Learning, PCA, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Keras
Machine: Python, Cloud Computing, Colab
Insights into real life projects and how to apply the concepts

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