Udemy – JavaScript for QA Engineers and SDETs-BiFiSO
English | Size: 2.80 GB
Category: Tutorial
Learn to code in JavaScript so you can pass your coding interview. Specifically designed for QA. No experience required!
What you’ll learn
JavaScript from the basics to more advanced topics
Applying JavaScript to web applications
Use Node modules to enforce coding standards
Unit testing your code
Use the Visual Studio Code editor
No coding experience required
Computer with an internet connection
All software used in the course is free
This course was created and designed to teach JavaScript fundamentals from the beginning, for beginners.
I will be walking you through the basic features of JavaScript and bring you to a point where you will be confident to call yourself a JavaScript developer.
Not just for QA Engineers!
I have designed this course with QA Engineers as the main audience. But all the lessons and lectures apply for anyone wanting to learn JavaScript.
QA Engineers
I am going to teach you and focus in on all the parts of JavaScript that are important for a QA to successfully transition into an SDET.
You will be ready to use test automation frameworks that use JavaScript like Protractor, WebDriverIO, or Nightwatch JS.
We will go over what a coding interview will look like and we will walk through some sample exercises.
You will end the course with a final project where you will create a utility app to provide data that you can use in your testing in the future.
What you will be learning:
The basics: variables, if statements, loops, arrays, functions, and objects
How to run your code in the browser console
How to work with JSON data
How to hook your code up to a web application
How to manipulate the DOM
How to enforce coding standards with Linting
How to test your code with unit testing
How I teach:
I don’t believe in giving a lot of lectures where I just talk and you listen. So you are not going to have any lectures on the “history of JavaScript”.
I want you to always be coding.
The lessons are quick and to the point. You will follow my lectures through examples and have opportunities to practice what I taught.
Who this course is for:
Anyone new to coding with a desire to learn JavaScript
QA engineers wanting to learn coding for test automation
Greetings and respect to the people and groups who are willing and trying to renew the scene
And of course all who supports us, we love you