Udemy – Hands on With Docker & Docker Compose From a Docker Captain

Udemy – Hands on With Docker & Docker Compose From a Docker Captain
English | Tutorial | Size: 794.86 MB

v19.03. Everything you need to build, run and compose Docker containers so you can start using Docker for your web apps.

What you’ll Learn:
• Understand what Docker is and isn’t
• Install Docker on MacOS, Windows & Linux
• Understand Docker’s ecosystem
• Master Docker’s core features
• Master Docker Compose’s core features
• Build, run and push your own custom Docker images
• Manage real world web applications with Docker
• Skills to “Dockerize” your own web applications no matter what framework you use

Learn the Docker Fundamentals and Then Dockerize Your Own Web Apps

This course is meant for anyone looking to improve the way they build and distribute applications. You could be a web developer, sysadmin, operations manager, or someone who is part of an IT / testing / QA team.

• Developers use Docker to set up and run applications without the headache of having to
install everything manually
• Operators use Docker to distribute applications across environments consistently and
optimize server resources
• QA teams use Docker to quickly build test environments without having to deal with “but it
works for me!” problems

By the time you finish this course you’ll know everything you need to start using Docker / Docker Compose on your own projects.

It doesn’t matter if you use Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, Flask, Django, Java, Golang or any other language / framework. At the end of the day, Docker is a toolset that helps you package up and distribute your applications in a portable and repeatable way. You’ll be able to set up entire development environments in a single command and run those same applications exactly the same in production with total confidence that it will work because you’re just moving around special packages that Docker creates for you under the hood.

The days of “well it works for me!” or having to point another developer to a 20 page document on how to set up your web application are long over. Docker fixes those problems and so much more.

No prior Docker knowledge is necessary to take this course. We’ll go all the way from “What is Docker?” to exploring what types of problems Docker solves to completely mastering Docker’s core features (we’ll cover Docker Compose in great depth too). Through out the process we’ll go over Dockerizing simple web apps, complex multi-service web apps and I’ll show you exactly how to Dockerize your own web apps.

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