Udemy – Adobe Captivate – Focus on Demonstrations

Udemy – Adobe Captivate Focus On Demonstrations BOOKWARE-SOFTiMAGE
English | Tutorial | Size: 2.03 GB

Basic training tightly focused on creating software demonstrations using Adobe Captivate.

Course overview

Create effective demonstrations using Adobe Captivate 8
Understand the Adobe Captivate recording process
Understand and configure the Mouse, Highlight Box and Text Caption objects
Choose the correct output type based on their audience

This course is designed for Captivate 8 users who want to create software demonstrations. You will learn how to effectively create, generate and distribute a complete and functional Adobe Captivate Demonstration.

You will learn how Captivate records a software demonstration, how to configure Captivate to better work with your own Demonstrations, what objects are added by Captivate and how to configure the objects to suit you for your own desired look and feel.

There are no additional supplemental materials provided as all you will need is a computer and Captvate 8.

Many Captivate courses begin with introducing you to the application, pointing out this and that in the very beginning. This course takes a different approach. One more realistic in the way that typical authors actually USE and experience Adobe Captivate. It’s WORKFLOW based, and Captivate is gradually introduced to the learner.

Along the journey, best practices and tips are offered to help you be more effective.
Who this course is for:

eLearning Professionals
Software Marketers
This course provides a very tightly focused guide to those that need to learn only about creating Software Demonstrations. It is NOT intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of all Adobe Captivate is capable of.

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