Cloud Academy – How to Install and Run WordPress on AWS

Cloud Academy – How to Install and Run WordPress on AWS-STM
English | Size: 886.24 MB
Category: Tutorial

WordPress is an open source CMS originally built as a web publishing platform, quickly becoming a de-facto standard for blogs. Thanks to its huge third-party plugin ecosystem WordPress has been adopted for use many different situations never imagined by its creators, including dynamic websites, e-commerce platforms, and online newspapers. It’s a terrific software package with a huge user base, but getting the most out of it can be tricky

Cloud Academy – How to Move Your Website to AWS With Php Mysql and Apache

Cloud Academy – How to Move Your Website to AWS With Php Mysql and Apache-STM
English | Size: 819.76 MB
Category: Tutorial

The combination of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Python or PHP (LAMP) is one of the most common software stacks for web servers, even for high-end web applications. In this course, the experienced sysadmin David Clinton will teach you how to install and configure a LAMP stack on AWS EC2 and RDS, also discussing security issues and selecting the right instance type for your application