Linkedin Learning – PHP for WordPress Online Class-ZH

Linkedin Learning – PHP for WordPress Online Class-ZH
English | Size: 253.13 MB
Category: Tutorial

Looking to add custom functionality to your WordPress site? In this course, learn what every WordPress developer needs to know to start coding in PHP. Instructor Joe Casabona helps you quickly get up to speed with the popular server-side programming language, explaining just what you need to know to start adding your own custom code. After briefly going over what PHP is, Joe introduces key concepts. Learn about decision-making with conditional statements, creating custom functions, and how WordPress handles most variables. Along the way, Joe provides challenges that allow you to put your new skills to the test. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with a basic understanding of PHP and how to use it to make simple modifications in WordPress. – Learn Testing and Version Control in Web Development – Learn Testing and Version Control in Web Development-iNKiSO
English | Size: 171.22 MB
Category: Tutorial

We know that developers love to make their favourite tools a bit easier to use and to discover new tools to save time and effort on all sorts of projects
The Developer’s Toolbox is a place to learn more about a variety of tools and get some tips and tricks along the way Enroll in this course once and stay enrolled to keep up-to-date with a rolling list of tools that are used by a variety of our teachers

Cloud Academy – Forms

English | Size: 1.27 GB
Category: Tutorial

Forms are one of the core parts of HTML functionality. They let users submit key information and are used in every industry and on most websites. They re a big topic, so in this module we ll go into a lot of detail. You ll learn about forms in general, text and push buttons and multi line inputs. Then we ll move onto checkbox and radio buttons, as well as list boxes and drop down lists. One of the more detailed lessons in this module comes up next with a deep dive into some of the input types you can use in your forms. Finally, we ll end the module off with form validation and a little bit about form validation, server scripting and a few security issues you need to be aware of. – Build a Successful Web Design Business – Build a Successful Web Design Business-iNKiSO
English | Size: 718.89 MB
Category: Tutorial

Build a Successful Web Design Business is a video course by world renowned web designer, speaker, podcaster and author Paul Boag While escaping your evil boss and working for yourself may sound like a dream, in reality it can be a lot of hard work! Make life much easier for yourself by utilizing Pauls expert advice, top hints and tips, gained through over 10 years in the business

Linkedin Learning – WordPress Action and Filter Hooks Online Class-ZH

Linkedin Learning – WordPress Action and Filter Hooks Online Class-ZH
English | Size: 254.50 MB
Category: Tutorial

Action hooks and filters give developers the ability to extend and customize WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system. This course teaches you how to write action and filter code to modify WordPress core, themes, and plugins. Instructor Carrie Dils explains how action hooks and filters work and shows how to leverage priorities, arguments, and conditionals for more precise control over when your code executes. Next, learn how to identify the available hooks and filters for different WordPress pages, invoke callback functions, and execute hooks. In the third chapter, Carrie introduces a start-to-finish project where she shows how to build a simple plugin with hooks and filters, and closes with some tips for using third-party developer hooks-and creating your own.