Cloud Academy – Basics of Using Containers in Production

Cloud Academy – Basics of Using Containers in Production-STM
English | Size: 986.73 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course is for anyone with a basic understanding of what containers are, and even why you’d want to use them but who doesn’t understand the nitty-gritty of how they work yet. You should have a basic technical literacy, as well as an understanding of cloud app architecture. In this course, you’ll learn about the major concepts around containers. You’ll learn about different container systems learn all about orchestration, get a better understanding of how and why to build and run 12-factor apps on containers, container security issues, and you’ll even get a quick look at how to get a microservices app up-and running on your computer in about two minutes with Docker compose

Cloud Academy – Career Opportunities in Cloud Computing

Cloud Academy – Career Opportunities in Cloud Computing
English | Size: 295.76 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course describes 6 different positions in the cloud computing industry, all of which are in high demand as established companies move to cloud technologies, companies expand IT departments, and new companies form. There’s great opportunity for fulfilling work with great pay. Overall it’s a great time to be in the cloud computing industry (which is rapidly becoming the IT industry).

30sec Subnetting Technique to Success at Cisco CCNA Exam

30sec Subnetting Technique to Success at Cisco CCNA Exam
English | Size: 74.25 MB
Category: Tutorial

Subnetting is an absolutely critical component for CCNA success. In this videos, we are first going to review how subnetting works, ensure you master the 30 sec method and understand the mathematics behind this networking principle. Once this is done, we are going to look at some shortcuts (tips) that can be used in the exam to ensure that we can solve the many subnetting challenges quickly and accurately (30 sec).

INE Training Videos | Other Technologies collection

INE Training Videos | Other Technologies collection
English | Size: 951.37 MB
Category: Tutorial

INE is the premier provider of Technical Training for the IT industry. INE is revolutionizing the digital learning industry through the implementation of adaptive technologies and a proven method of hands-on training experiences. INE’s portfolio of training is built for levels of technical learning specializing in advanced networking technologies, next-generation security, and infrastructure programming and development.

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0
English | Size: 640.11 MB
Category: Tutorial

Cisco Packet Tracer (7.3.0)
Cisco Packet Tracer is a comprehensive, networking technology teaching and learning program that offers a unique combination of realistic simulation and visualization experiences, assessment and activity authoring capabilities, and opportunities for multiuser collaboration and competition. Innovative features of Packet Tracer will help students and teachers collaborate, solve problems, and learn concepts in an engaging and dynamic social environment. Some of the benefits of Packet Tracer are as follows: