Udemy – Ultimate Google Certified Professional Cloud Developer 2020

Udemy – Ultimate Google Certified Professional Cloud Developer 2020-BiFiSO
English | Size: 6.89 GB
Category: Tutorial

Welcome Cloud Professionals !
After being successful 1,50,000+ Students 2,06,000+ Subscriptions for Google Cloud Courses – We are welcoming you to new course for Cloud Engineer Certification !

Packt – Network Analysis using Wireshark 3

Packt – Network Analysis using Wireshark 3-RiDWARE
English | Size: 556.78 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn to work with the most popular network analysis tool!
Troubleshoot your networks using Wireshark 3
Capture many famous protocols with Wireshark 3
How to use Wireshark 3 for ethical hacking
Understand and interpret network protocols

Linux Academy – Tomcat Administration Deep Dive

Linux Academy – Tomcat Administration Deep Dive-APoLLo
English | Size: 1.67 GB
Category: CBTs

In this course we will be learning Helm the package manager for Kubernetes. We will start with the pre-requisites such as getting a Kubernetes cluster where we can install Tiller, the server side of helm, and ensure that our installation is working and that we are able to create a release. We will then cover charts, these are the packages that helm installs. We will cover the anatomy of a chart and how to make a chart from scratch. We will also show how to customize existing charts so that they can be used as templates for our own releases with Helm.

Linux Academy – Cloudformation Deep Dive

Linux Academy – Cloudformation Deep Dive-BiFiSO
English | Size: 7.47 GB
Category: Tutorial

This course will take a deep dive into AWS CloudFormation, with support from our interactive diagrams to assist the student in learning. Early on, the course will focus on the basics of CloudFormation, such as templates and scripting languages to write templates: JSON and YAML. After gaining a thorough understanding of CloudFormation basics, the student will shift to deep dives on core concepts of CloudFormation, such as updating stacks and using bootstrapping techniques to provision instances launched within the stacks. Various advanced topics will also be covered in depth, such as drift detection, cross-stack references, nested stacks, intrinsic functions, and condition functions. The course will take an in-depth look at how CloudFormation works with serverless technologies using custom resources, Lambda functions, AWS macros, and the Serverless Application Model (SAM). The sections of the course will start to build upon each other and culminate in the creation of a continuous integration pipeline using AWS Code Pipeline together with CloudFormation to automate the delivery of AWS templates. Finally, the course will wrap up with a look at troubleshooting techniques, best practices, and a focus on how CloudFormation can be a vital part of disaster recovery.

Linux Academy – OpenStack and Containers

Linux Academy – OpenStack and Containers
English | Size: 1.00 GB
Category: Tutorial

This course is designed to give you an overview of containers within OpenStack. We will explain what containers are and why you want to use them, as well as use cases for containers and where containers fit in within OpenStack; from running containers on OpenStack to running OpenStack within containers.