Cloud Academy – Career Opportunities in Cloud Computing

Cloud Academy – Career Opportunities in Cloud Computing-STM
English | Size: 298.73 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course describes 6 different positions in the cloud computing industry, all of which are in high demand as established companies move to cloud technologies, companies expand IT departments, and new companies form. There s great opportunity for fulfilling work with great pay Overall it s a great time to be in the cloud computing industry (which is rapidly becoming the IT industry)

Cloud Academy – Azure Active Directory Security

Cloud Academy – Azure Active Directory Security-STM
English | Size: 314.47 MB
Category: Tutorial

Azure Active Directory Security
Azure Active Directory, commonly referred to as Azure AD is Microsoft s Identity and Access Management service in the Cloud. It manages users, groups, and applications along with their access to other applications and resources running in the cloud. This is exactly what we have with traditional on-premises Active Directory. Azure AD runs as a cloud service and thus can be thought of as Identity and Access Management as a Service. This course is an introduction to Azure AD security and covers topics related to securing users, groups, devices and applications as well as cover hybrid identity infrastructure solutions and much more!

CBT Nuggets – UCS Foundations

CBT Nuggets – UCS Foundations
English | Size: 1.24 GB
Category: Cisco | Networking | Security | Storage

Gain an understanding of iSCSI, the Data Center Bridging Exchange (DCBX) protocol, role-based access control (RBAC), hypervisors, and more as you cover concepts related to the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS):

Cloud Academy – AWS Big Data Athena

Cloud Academy – AWS Big Data Athena-STM
English | Size: 409.74 MB
Category: CBTs

In this course, we will perform an in-depth review of the Amazon Athena service. We will review and explain fundamental AWS Athena storage and querying concepts. We will highlight suitable use cases in which Athena can be applied effectively. You will be introduced to the basic underlying technology that Athena has been built on. We spend time discussing the process of creating and setting up Athena databases, tables, and partitions. We examine the process in which Athena SQL queries are authored and how they are managed. We review current Athena limitations and pricing. Finally, we will provide a demonstration in which we publish CloudTrail logs into an S3 bucket. We make some ad-hoc security group changes to generate a few CloudTrail events – and finally we ll use Athena to search and find the captured security group API update calls

INE Training Videos | INE collection

INE Training Videos | INE collection
English | Size: 17.90 GB
Category: Tutorial

INE is the premier provider of Technical Training for the IT industry. INE is revolutionizing the digital learning industry through the implementation of adaptive technologies and a proven method of hands-on training experiences. INE’s portfolio of training is built for levels of technical learning specializing in advanced networking technologies, next-generation security, and infrastructure programming and development.