Frank Kern – Operation Takeover

Frank Kern – Operation Takeover
English | Size: 340.70 MB
Category: Business

Here’s What You’re Getting:
LIVE One-Hour Group Video Conferences With Frank Kern, Personally .Every Weekday During The Class!
Six Weeks Of On-Demand Training Showing You How To Completely TAKE OVER Your Market’s Attention .And Make More Sales, Faster.
Unlimited Access To All Class Recordings.

PluralSight – the Business Value of Design Front 2019

PluralSight – the Business Value of Design Front 2019-JGTiSO
English | Size: 535.11 MB
Category: Tutorial

Is design fluff? Pop and sizzle? Icing on the cake? Or, is
Front UX & Product Management Case Study Conference | The Business Value of Design | Mark Rawlins
Is design fluff? Pop and sizzle? Icing on the cake? Or, is design the lifeblood of the business? We all can point to products and services from thriving businesses that are iconic and well designed. These experiences are reminders that well designed products and services can thrive at the intersection of both consumer and business value. Come listen to Mark Rawlin and stories from his experience at Nike and Vivint Smart Home in creating value through consumer-centered design.

PluralSight – Designing for Impact the Shape and Strategy of Design MaturityL Front 2019

PluralSight – Designing for Impact the Shape and Strategy of Design Maturity Front 2019-JGTiSO
English | Size: 586.76 MB
Category: Tutorial

Design is at a pivotal moment. Our influence within the business is growing, our skills are in higher demand as problems grow more complex, and companies across size and industries are asking themselves: How do we increase the impact of design? In this talk, Emily Campbell will explore the drivers of design maturity through the lens of research, drawing from two major reports released last year, and from direct experience, looking at how highly design-mature companies manage, evangelize, and practice design. Emily will also explore the levers that have the most direct impact on design influence, and the way
organizations are leaning into their people and practices to get there

Depesh Mandalia – Ultimate CBO Cookbook + San Jose Mastermind

Depesh Mandalia – Ultimate CBO Cookbook + San Jose Mastermind
English | Size: 1.43 GB
Category: Marketing

Ready to add tens of thousands (or more!) in additional revenue to YOUR business?

“After studying the techniques and strategies Chef Depesh outlines, I know I’ll be hitting 5 figure days consistently this Q4.” – G. Rahhal

What started off as a simple CBO guide a few pages long became a set of recipes and ingredients to research, setup, test and scale up your CBO campaigns.