Linkedin Learning – Advanced NLP with Python for Machine Learning

Linkedin Learning – Advanced NLP with Python for Machine Learning-ZH
English | Size: 322.03 MB
Category: Tutorial

An incredible amount of unstructured text data is generated every day by social media, web pages, and a variety of other sources. But without the ability to tame and harness that data, you’ll be unable to glean any value from it. In this course, learn how to translate messy text data into powerful insights using Python. Instructor Derek Jedamski begins with a quick review of foundational NLP concepts, including how to clean text data and build a model on top of vectorized text. He then jumps into more complex topics such as word2vec, doc2vec, and recurrent neural networks. To wrap up the course, he lends these concepts a real-world context by applying them to a machine learning problem.

Linkedin Learning – Creating Psychological Safety for Diverse Teams

Linkedin Learning – Creating Psychological Safety for Diverse Teams-ZH
English | Size: 228.63 MB
Category: Tutorial

Todays workforce comprises multiple generations, cultures, and ways of working. By creating a culture of psychological safety in which team members feel comfortable taking risks you can lead these diverse teams to greater success. In this course, leaders whove worked with organizations ranging from the New York Times to the NBA explain how to create a work environment where every team member feels valued, seen, and ready to innovate. Get strategies for communicating with people who think differently than you, managing across cultures, and helping your direct reports form habits that actually stick. Plus, learn how to find balance among the skill sets in your organization by embracing the unique talents that each person brings to the

Linkedin Learning – Recovering from a Job Loss in Technology

Linkedin Learning – Recovering from a Job Loss in Technology-ZH
English | Size: 199.81 MB
Category: Tutorial

Bouncing back after a job loss can feel like both a professional and personal challenge. This course was designed to help you regain your footing. Join instructor Jonathan Fernandes as he provides guidance and actionable steps you can take to regain employment in the tech industry. Jonathan delves into popular industry topics such as multicloud and automation, providing strategies for assessing these and other key trends. He covers career options to consider, from staying in the same role to transitioning to a new career in tech. Plus, he shares steps you can take to land a job that better aligns with your professional goals and look after your physical and mental health until that next job offer arrives

Linkedin Learning – How to Succeed at Assessment Centres

Linkedin Learning – How to Succeed at Assessment Centres-ZH
English | Size: 615.92 MB
Category: Tutorial

Assessment centres are becoming more popular with organisations within the UK. Their ability to provide insights into a candidate s performance potential mean they are a powerful tool for employers. Aimee Bateman the founder of Careercake has over 15 years of experience as a recruiter and an extensive track record designing assessment centres for small businesses and global brands. In this course, Aimee explains what to expect on the day, how to perform at your best, and how to think like the assessor. Learn what to expect from test scenarios such as work simulations, role play, and group exercises and find out how to ace your interview and follow up afterwards. Aimee also presents perspectives from Careercake viewers who have been through this final hurdle of the application

Linkedin Learning – Microsoft Teams for Team Owners

Linkedin Learning – Microsoft Teams for Team Owners-ZH
English | Size: 120.99 MB
Category: Tutorial

Microsoft Teams is becoming a go-to tool for collaborating at work. Within Teams, individuals with the team owner role have access to controls and settings for team management that are not available to typical users or team members. In this short course, Nick Brazzi covers what you need to know to create and manage teams and channels in Microsoft Teams Nick starts by showing how to create public, private, and org-wide teams, as well as how to set up tags that allow users to target messages to specific people. Next, he walks through the particulars of managing team members, including how to make other
members team owners and remove people from a team. He also demonstrates how to manage team options and permissions including how to use channel moderation to control who is allowed to make posts. To wrap up, Nick goes over tools for team owners in the Teams mobile app