Packt – Apache Maven A Practical Introduction

Packt – Apache Maven A Practical Introduction-XQZT
English | Size: 630.48 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course, we look at the Maven build tool, which is currently the number-one industry standard for creating Java applications. By concentrating on practical hands-on demonstrations, you’ll see first hand how Maven works and from there develop the confidence to be able to use it independently to build your Java projects at home, in college, or in the workplace. This is a beginners’ course, although it has some useful content for those already familiar with Maven. But to get the maximum value from the course, you should really be a beginner with the tool. Maybe you’ve started a new job where they use it to build their applications, or you’re learning industry-standard tools to get ahead of the competition Ultimately, by unlocking the mechanics of how Maven works, you should be able to better build Java projects with the tool and have fun doing so!

Packt – Ionic Framework Tips Tricks and Techniques

Packt – Ionic Framework Tips Tricks and Techniques-XQZT
English | Size: 1.75 GB
Category: Tutorial

The Ionic 4 cross-platform web and mobile UI framework has brought a number of game-changing new features. However, as it has evolved so much over the years, it is difficult for developers to stay up-to-date with current best practices to ensure they build fast and easy-to-maintain apps.

Packt – Creative Layout Design for Websites and Mobile Apps

Packt – Creative Layout Design for Websites and Mobile Apps-XQZT
English | Size: 1.76 GB
Category: Tutorial

The design layout of your website determines how your web design unfolds the story of your business. A good layout can drastically increase your user engagement in a very short period of time. This course begins by introducing you to various layout formats including flower and masonry grid layouts. As you progress through the sections, you will learn to build layouts using different permutations of columns. You will grasp the basic functionalities such as grids, gutters, and margins and implement them creatively. In later chapters, you will understand how you can come up with a rule that can enhance your layout design. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and confidence to design and build smooth design layouts for the website as well as mobile applications.

Packt – Track Any HTML5 Content with Custom SCORM

Packt – Track Any HTML5 Content with Custom SCORM-XQZT
English | Size: 1.47 GB
Category: Tutorial

Create and track any HTML5 content using the Rustici SCORM Driver
SCORM is how an eLearning course reports over to a Learning Management System (LMS). If you use a standard eLearning tool like Articulate Storyline or Adobe Captivate, most of the SCORM is already done for you. That works for a lot of situations, but there may be times you want to track content that does not get tracked by default within an authoring tool. Or you may have HTML5 content that was created outside of the authoring tool that you would like tracked.

Packt – Create a 100 Percent Free and Responsive Website Without Coding

Packt – Create a 100 Percent Free and Responsive Website Without Coding-XQZT
English | Size: 776.74 MB
Category: Tutorial

If you are wondering how to create a website for free, with beautiful design and free hosting, then this course will get you started through a hands-on approach. You will learn how to plug in your own text, add your own pictures and finally publish. The course even demonstrates how to get the best free pictures to enhance your websites. To help you through the development process, the course features instructions on how to add a chat to your website setup. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the skills you need to create exciting websites efficiently without using code.