AWAI – Secrets of Writing for the Health Market

AWAI – Secrets of Writing for the Health Market
English | Size: 114.64 MB
Category: Business

A profitable niche . that’s what most writers want.

The problem is, most of them aren’t looking in the right place.

In one headline-making area of the U.S. market, there’s a dire shortage of trained writers.

Pluralsight – Resumes, Research, and Writing on the Job Hunt by Alan Ackmann (2019/12/23)

Pluralsight – Resumes, Research, and Writing on the Job Hunt by Alan Ackmann (2019/12/23)
English | Size: 421.30 MB
Category: Tutorial

Resumes, Research, and Writing on the Job Hunt guides viewers through the process of creating job search materials like resumes, cover letters, and letters accepting or declining a job, as well as familiarizing viewers with the main features, opportunities, and risks of these documents. Main topics include evaluating your background as a candidate, finding and researching a potential position, and tailoring your resume and job search material to match a desired objective.