Udemy – Ultimate Python Starter Pack

Udemy – Ultimate Python Starter Pack BOOKWARE-SOFTiMAGE
English | Size: 513.57 MB
Category: CBTs

Beginner, advanced or maybe no programming background at all this course is for you. Python is one of the fastest and most versatile programming languages that exists. From being used in web development and expanding all the way to be used in data science, Python is super powerful, not to mention very easy to catch on to.

Udemy – Interfacing LabVIEW With Arduino via LINX

Udemy – Interfacing LabVIEW With Arduino via LINX-BooKWoRM
English | Size: 740.79 MB
Category: Tutorial

LabVIEW meets Arduino: Step by step guide is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks & Engineers who want to take Arduino Programming to next level

Udemy – Firebase and Firestore Masterclass

Udemy – Firebase and Firestore Masterclass BOOKWARE-SOFTiMAGE
English | Size: 3.83 GB
Category: Tutorial

If you are looking for the best backend to go along with Angular, or even better if you are looking to do as little server-side development as possible and focus mostly on the frontend, then look no further: Firebase is the right choice for you.

Udemy – Ultimate Google Certified Professional Cloud Developer 2020

Udemy – Ultimate Google Certified Professional Cloud Developer 2020-BiFiSO
English | Size: 6.89 GB
Category: Tutorial

Welcome Cloud Professionals !
After being successful 1,50,000+ Students 2,06,000+ Subscriptions for Google Cloud Courses – We are welcoming you to new course for Cloud Engineer Certification !