Udemy – Beginners Guide to What Traders Do

Udemy – Beginners Guide to What Traders Do-BiFiSO
English | Size: 3.10 GB
Category: Tutorial

An energetic, entertaining course to show you what professional traders do to profit from the markets. It shows you what you can do to replicate their success, but also if trading is for you; if you should pursue a full-time or side career in it. It also provides many downloadable resources to keep and access to daily updates all free and included.

The Art of Investing Lessons from History’s Greatest Traders

The Art of Investing Lessons from History’s Greatest Traders
English | Size: 10.95 GB
Category: Stock

Stock market experts often provide the same words of wisdom over and over: Invest for the long haul. Diversify your portfolio. You can ‘t beat the market. And while this is great advice for the average investor looking to secure their retirement, these rules aren ‘t as hard and fast as the experts may want you to think. History has shown us there are plenty of individuals who beat the market and beat it consistently. Consider Warren Buffet or James Simons-examples of investors who executed the right combination of steady investment methods and calculated risk over decades to build truly impressive fortunes. They didn’t stumble upon a “unicorn” stock or simply get lucky over and over. They did the research, they did the math, they were smart about the risks, and they didn’t lose their heads in volatile times. What lessons for today ‘s investors can be learned by studying these lions of investing?