Emily-Clare Hill – Take Space Yoga Class

Emily-Clare Hill – Take Space Yoga Class
English | Size: 823.98 MB
Category: Tutorial

A whole 60 minutes of giving your self-space to expand. “Shrink the mind expand the body, expand the experience” We move, we flow, we breathe, we feel. Let this practice give the opportunity to tune back in and find the space you might need, a chance to keep revisiting this class and taking what you need each time.

Complete Photography Understand Cameras to Take, Edit and Share Better Photos

Complete Photography: Understand Cameras to Take, Edit and Share Better Photos
English | Size: 204.09 MB
Category: Photography

Whether you’re a complete beginner, a casual snapper or a seasoned photographer, there is a lot to be learned from this extensive photography guide. Take the guesswork out of your photography and understand not just what to do with your camera, but how and why this affects the photos you take. You’ll learn how to compose a shot for visual impact, focus it to attract the viewer’s eye, expose it so every detail is captured and so much more. Photography never stands still so it doesn’t matter what camera you have, whether you own an SLR, film camera or a compact digital camera, Chris will teach you how to take the best photos possible.