Skillshare – Switching from Microsoft Windows to MacOS on the Apple Mac

Skillshare – Switching from Microsoft Windows to MacOS on the Apple Mac-XCODE
English | Size: 793.38 MB
Category: Tutorial

If you are a Microsoft Windows user and you have been considering switching over a macOS based Apple Mac, making that switch can feel intimidating. macOS is a fantastic operating system, coupled with very well made hardware by Apple. If you are considering making the switch, or you have already, this course will help you find your way

Skillshare – PHP Microframeworks with Slim

Skillshare – PHP Microframeworks with Slim-ViGOROUS
English | Size: 780.97 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn PHP’s best microframework: Slim. Microframeworks are cut-down versions of frameworks that allow you to get started quickly and customise to your needs. In this class, we’ll go through Slim step-by-step from creating your first website to exploring requests, form submissions, JSON, middleware, authentication and much more.

Skillshare – The Complete Python Natural Language Toolkit NLTK for Text Mining

Skillshare – The Complete Python Natural Language Toolkit NLTK for Text Mining-ViGOROUS
English | Size: 1.02 GB
Category: Tutorial

Text mining and Natural language processing (NLP) are among the most active research areas. Pre-processing your text data before feeding it to an algorithm is a crucial part of NLP. In this course, you will learn NLP using natural language toolkit (NLTK), which is part of the Python. You will learn pre-processing of data to make it ready for any NLP application.