Windows Local Privilege Escalation Mastery – Red Team

Windows Local Privilege Escalation Mastery – Red Team
English | Tutorial | Size: 3.38 GB

The Windows Privilege Escalation Mastery course is a comprehensive and hands-on training program designed for cybersecurity professionals, system administrators, penetration testers, and anyone seeking to enhance their skills in identifying and exploiting privilege escalation vulnerabilities within Windows environments.

[Update Links] RED TEAM Operator Windows Persistence Course – Sektor7

RED TEAM Operator: Windows Persistence Course – Sektor7
English | Size: 793.80 MB
Category: Tutorial

Welcome to Persistence in Windows course!
Real threat actors utilize various Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (aka TTPs). One of the tactic is Persistence – a way to survive a breached machine restart and preserve access to a target environment. There is a lot of focus on what methods adversaries use to exploit a particular vulnerability or how their C2 channels and infrastructure look like. Less often you find discussions about persistence. This course is aiming to change that.