– Building Serverless Web Applications with React & AWS – Building Serverless Web Applications with React & AWS-APoLLo
English | Size: 166.48 MB
Category: Tutorial

React makes it intuitive to build real-world web application. But in reality, you need to use a host of other services to get the app in front of real users. – React Router v5 by Tyler McGinnis – React Router v5 by Tyler McGinnis
English | Size: 2.15 GB
Category: Programming

Why React Router v5 ?
React Router v4 introduced a new dynamic component approach to routing. React Router v5 introduced several custom hooks. – Scalable Offline-Ready Graphql Applications With AWS AppSync and React – Scalable Offline-Ready Graphql Applications With AWS AppSync and React-APoLLo
English | Size: 197.88 MB
Category: Tutorial

With GraphQL, you can define the shape of your data in a schema, and GraphQL will fulfill the request with the precise data you need. When you need it. This doesn’t come without a cost. GraphQL adds a lot of complexity to your application by requiring you to define your schemas through types, mutations, and resolvers.

Udemy – Strongly Typed Apps (TypeScript, React Native, QraphQL)

Udemy – Strongly Typed Apps (TypeScript, React Native, QraphQL)
English | Size: 1.99 GB
Category: Tutorial

Welcome to Strongly Typed Apps! With TypeScript, we write a superset of types that compile to regular Javascript. Often enough, those who start the transition to TypeScript feel that vanilla JavaScript is no longer enough. TypeScript integrates well with existing JavaScript projects and includes useful features that increase developer productivity.

Linkedin Learning – React Testing and Debugging Online Class

Linkedin Learning – React Testing and Debugging Online Class-ZH
English | Size: 200.68 MB
Category: TUtorial

Tracking down bugs in React and the many different pieces it communicates with can be a challenge. While basic JavaScript testing and debugging tools certainly work, solutions designed specifically to work with React will save you time and effort This course covers those tools, as well as tips and techniques to help you find, diagnose, and fix problems in your apps. Watch and learn how to test React code with Jest, debug with Chrome, check type with flow, and optimize your code with ESLint. Instructor Emmanuel Henri has packaged this course with everything you need to get started, including exercise files and setup instructions, and concludes with some next steps for exploring advanced debugging in React