PluralSight – Scala Specific Design Patterns

PluralSight – Scala Specific Design Patterns-JGTiSO
English | Size: 145.69 MB
Category: Tutorial

Writing real world applications using Scala requires the ability to write well-structured and easy to understand code. Often this can be achieved using a well-defined design pattern. In the course, Scala Specific Design Patterns, you’ll learn to use such design patterns in order to create your own well-structured Scala applications First, you’ll explore how to use Typeclass pattern and Cake pattern. Next, you’ll discover how to lazily evaluate expressions. Finally, you ll dive into the concepts of Lens, Implicits Injection, and Memoization patterns. When you re finished with the course, you ll have the necessary knowledge of design patterns needed to understand how when, and why to use them

PluralSight – C Sharp Design Patterns Decorator

PluralSight – C Sharp Design Patterns Decorator-JGTiSO
English | Size: 109.83 MB
Category: Tutorial

The decorator design pattern allows you to dynamically add behavior to your classes without modifying the original class. This allows you to layer in new functionality to a class while keeping different concerns cleanly separated.

PluralSight – Java: Refactoring to Design Patterns-JGTiSO

PluralSight – Java: Refactoring to Design Patterns-JGTiSO
English | Size: 180.40 MB
Category: Tutorial

Knowing design patterns is an essential skill in software craftsmanship. But how do you go about learning them when there are so many? Watch this course to quickly learn how to refactor messy code to the most useful and frequently used patterns.