Skillshare – Create a High Quality Model On Your First Day In Blender

Skillshare – Create a High Quality Model On Your First Day In Blender
English | Size: 1.7GB
Category: Tutorial

We are going to create a 3D telescope in Blender 2.9. Everyone can follow this class since it covers the very basics of blender and everything you need to follow the tutorials. Most of the time we will go straight to the point and avoid outrageous amounts of information, I want to make it as enjoyable for you as possible since I know for a fact that Blender may be very confusing at first. Hence, I showed all the shortcuts on screen and added zoom-ins to the important menus so you can clearly see all of my actions.

PluralSight – AWS Shared Responsibility Model

PluralSight – AWS Shared Responsibility Model Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 18.47 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course is an introduction to the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. AWS and the customer share responsibility for security and compliance, and this course helps clarify the division of those responsibilities. From the physical components of your stack all the way up to user data, we define what you are responsible for in terms of securing your application, and what AWS is responsible for

PluralSight – Conceptualizing the Processing Model for Azure Databricks Service

PluralSight – Conceptualizing the Processing Model for Azure Databricks Service BOOKWARE-KNiSO
English | Size: 245.01 MB
Category: Tutorial

Release Notes: Modern data pipelines often include streaming data, that needs to be processed in real-time. While Apache Spark is very popular for big data processing and can help us build reliable streaming pipelines, managing the Spark environment is no cakewalk.

Linkedin Learning – 3D Scanning: From Mesh to Model Online Class

Linkedin Learning – 3D Scanning: From Mesh to Model Online Class-ZH
English | Size: 1.71 GB
Category: Tutorial

Interested in learning the basics of reverse engineering? In this course, instructor Nick Kloski helps you get up to speed covering the fundamentals of reverse engineering using 3D scan data as a basis. As he details key concepts, Nick steps through how to go from a 3D scan to an optimized model that fits into nearly any product design workflow. He reviews the technologies available for 3D scanning, including photogrammetry and structured light. Using Artec structured light scanners as an example of capture technology, Nick goes into a workflow using inexpensive or free software to perform a complete reverse engineering workflow. See how to convert the scan (a mesh) into an optimized form, and bring it through Fusion 360 to create a solid model that can be flexibly incorporated into product design workflows.

Packt – Machine Learning for Beginners Linear Regression Model in R

Packt – Machine Learning for Beginners Linear Regression Model in R-XQZT
English | Size: 1.92 GB
Category: Tutorial

Are you looking for a complete linear regression course that teaches you everything you need to create a linear regression model in R? This course covers the important aspects that you need to know to solve business problems through linear regression.