Brittany Rouse – Listening Meditation

Brittany Rouse – Listening Meditation
English | Size: 155.08 MB
Category: Tutorial

Often times we think we need to wait until the environment around us and within us is perfect before we can meditate. Join teacher Brittany Rouse for a listening meditation in which you’ll include all that’s around you and all that’s within you as the foundation for a deep, reflective practice.

Brittany Jones – Breathing Meditation

Brittany Jones – Breathing Meditation
English | Size: 205.21 MB
Category: Tutorial

It is said that the most present thing we have is our breath. Through this 15 minute guided meditation, give yourself time to reconnect with the present moment through your inhales and exhales.

Mindvalley – Vishen Lakhiani – The 6 Phase Meditation

Mindvalley – Vishen Lakhiani – The 6 Phase Meditation
English | Size: 3.17 GB
Category: Self Improvement

To the person looking to meditate better (or who just wants to get started):
From scientists to spiritual gurus to high-flying billionaires and athletes: virtually everyone agrees meditation is the most effective personal growth practice.

Arezu Kaywanfar – Meditation for Memory Loss & Well Being Yoga Class

Arezu Kaywanfar – Meditation for Memory Loss & Well Being Yoga Class
English | Size: 310.49 MB
Category: Tutorial

This meditation brings a total mental balance to the individual psyche, while reprogramming the brain where habitual patterning has formed. If you are starting to feel forgetful, not sleeping well, depressed or low energy this Meditation works on all of that, and is just right for you!

This Is Your Brain on Meditation with Joe Dispenza

This Is Your Brain on Meditation with Joe Dispenza
English | Size: 818.23 MB
Category: TUtorial

Can simple meditation practices help you re-wire your brain? Yes, explains Joe Dispenza, D.C., author of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.