Packt – Learning HTML Step-by-Step

Packt – Learning HTML Step-by-Step-XQZT
English | Size: 3.39 GB
Category: Tutorial

A user interface is that section of a website that a potential customer/user interacts with and hence is a vital part of any business. This course begins by introducing you to the structure of an HTML script. As you progress through the modules, you will leverage HTML to incorporate images marquees, photos, and videos into your website. In every section, you will write HTML programs in Notepad and also learn to show the output in a browser. Towards the end of the course, you will start using free IDE – Brackets for executing codes. By the end of this course, you will be proficient in writing efficient HTML code to design and develop your website

Packt – Learning Algorithms in JavaScript from Scratch

Packt – Learning Algorithms in JavaScript from Scratch-XQZT
English | Size: 2.39 GB
Category: Tutorial

Make your code and programs faster and more efficient by using algorithms
More Information
Code important algorithms in JavaScript and understand how they work
Improve the efficiency, performance, and scalability of your code, applications, and programs
Prepare effectively for technical engineering and programming interviews, as well as coding challenges

Udemy – Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners Level 1

Udemy – Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners Level 1 BOOKWARE-SOFTiMAGE
English | Size: 698.11 MB
Category: Tutorial

Machines that can LEARN!
The concept of Artificial Intelligence is used in sci-fiction movies to describe a virtual entity that crossed some critical threshold point and developed self-awareness. And like any good Hollywood movie, this entity will turn against humankind. OMG! It’s a great concept to fuel our basic survival fear, otherwise, no one will buy a ticket to the next Terminator movie 😉

Vishen Lakhiani – The 3 Keys to Transformative Learning

Vishen Lakhiani – The 3 Keys to Transformative Learning
English | Size: 846.05 MB
Category: Tutorial

This is a MindValley Session by Vishen Lakhiani
And it covers awesome topics.
Also included is a complete Study Guide in pdf.
Salient features..