Linkedin Learning – Training Neural Networks In Python

Linkedin Learning – Training Neural Networks In Python
English | Tutorial | Size: 498.72 MB

Neural networks are widely used in everyday applications like online shopping, weather forecasting, and smartphones.

Linkedin Learning – Mistakes To Avoid In Machine Learning

Linkedin Learning – Mistakes To Avoid In Machine Learning
English | Tutorial | Size: 384.25 MB

Building machine learning models can be an exciting process. But oftentimes, data scientists find themselves dealing with errors, bad output, and a host of other issues that can slow their progress.

Linkedin Learning – SOLIDWORKS: Modeling Gears

Linkedin Learning – SOLIDWORKS: Modeling Gears
English | Tutorial | Size: 171.70 MB

Do you need to design and build gears for work, study, or a hobby? In this course, instructor Ryan Krawchuk covers the basics of mechanical gears, gives a hands-on lesson on modeling a spur gear using SOLIDWORKS, and then describes how to create a simple assembly.