Linux Academy – Kubernetes Essentials

Linux Academy – Kubernetes Essentials-BiFiSO
English | Size: 804.17 MB
Category: CBTs

Kubernetes is a powerful tool. It can help you manage complex applications and provide you with the ability to easily automate tasks involved in managing them. In this course, we will explore Kubernetes from a beginner’s standpoint. We will discuss what Kubernetes is and what it does, and we will work with some of the basic functionality of Kubernetes hands-on. We will build a simple Kubernetes cluster. We will also deploy a sample microservice application to the cluster in order to explore how Kubernetes can help easily manage such applications.

Linux Academy – Cloud Native Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

Linux Academy – Cloud Native Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
English | Size: 2.86 GB
Category: Tutorial

This course prepares you for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. You will learn how all of the components of a Kubernetes cluster work together, how to monitor all components of a cluster, and how to build your own Kubernetes cluster from scratch. We will also cover networking, deploying applications, scheduling pods, logging, and a whole lot of practice in the command line.

Packt – Kubernetes Service Mesh with Istio

Packt – Kubernetes Service Mesh with Istio-RiDWARE
English | Size: 349.95 MB
Category: Tutorial

Hands-on traffic management, resiliency, diagnosability and security for microservice architectures with Istio and Kubernetes

Linux Academy – Google Kubernetes Engine Deep Dive

Linux Academy – Google Kubernetes Engine Deep Dive-BiFiSO
English | Size: 1.81 GB
Category: Tutorial

Kubernetes, the open-source system for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized apps, is at the heart of Google Kubernetes Engine. This integration is totally natural. Google developed Kubernetes in-house, and uses it to run its own most popular, global apps. Gmail, YouTube, and even Search run in Kubernetes Engine. It is a fully-managed service and, in this course, you’ll learn it from the ground up.

Linux Academy – Monitoring Kubernetes With Prometheus

Linux Academy – Monitoring Kubernetes With Prometheus-BiFiSO
English | Size: 1.02 GB
Category: Tutorial

Are you interested in deploying Prometheus to Kubernetes? If so, this is the course for you.
This course covers the basics of Prometheus, which includes its architecture and components, such as exporters, client libraries, and alerting.
From there, you will learn how to deploy Prometheus to Kubernetes and configure Prometheus to monitor the cluster as well as applications deployed to it.