PluralSight – Applying Statistics in Lean Six Sigma

PluralSight – Applying Statistics in Lean Six Sigma Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 137.20 MB
Category: Tutorial

To put statistics into practice is to work with Lean Six Sigma This course will teach you all the essential tools and techniques regarding intermediate statistics in Lean Six Sigma

PluralSight – Applying the DMAIC Methodology

PluralSight – Applying the DMAIC Methodology Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 208.81 MB
Category: Tutorial

Get ready for the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification and learn how to apply the DMAIC methodology in the first course of our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt learning path

[Update Links] PluralSight – Building Data driven Apps with AWS AppSync

PluralSight – Building Data driven Apps with AWS AppSync Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 127.16 MB
Category: Tutorial

Release Notes: Modern applications consume data from many different sources before displaying it to the user. Consuming many data sources means more upfront work to build an application and more potential breaking points. Also, security and permission become harder and harder to manage. In this course, Building Data-driven Apps with AWS AppSync, you ll learn how to leverage the power of AppSync to unify all your data sources so they can be accessed through one central place. First you ll explore how to create APIs and Data Sources via AppSync. Next, you’ll learn how to configure the Javascript AppSync client with our backend to query and mutate data via GraphQL APIs. Finally, you ll discover how to use Amplify Datastore to store data locally when users are offline, and sync the data when an internet connection becomes available By the end of this course, you’ll be able to build a data-driven application with realtime and offline support and build in authentication using AWS AppSync

Lynda – Learning To Write Marketing Copy

Lynda – Learning To Write Marketing Copy Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 479.64 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn how to craft compelling marketing copy to engage with your customers
Copy is the heart and soul of almost every marketing endeavor. Get a great foundation for all your campaigns with this course. Ian Lurie shows how to write copy that tells your story and sells your product or brand. Learn about the different types of copywriting, the benefits of drafting on paper (yes, paper!), observing general rules, writing headlines, selling the page, and rewriting existing copy to optimize it for different outlets and platforms. Ian shows how to manage a copyediting team, a brand voice, and an editorial calendar.

PluralSight – JavaScript REST APIs The Big Picture Bookware-KNiSO

PluralSight – JavaScript REST APIs The Big Picture Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 44.81 MB
Category: Tutorial

RESTful APIs and JavaScript are ubiquitous in the world of application development, and they pair together nicely. This course will teach you why REST APIs are so prominent, as well as how to write and consume a REST API