PluralSight – C Sharp Design Patterns Decorator

PluralSight – C Sharp Design Patterns Decorator-JGTiSO
English | Size: 109.83 MB
Category: Tutorial

The decorator design pattern allows you to dynamically add behavior to your classes without modifying the original class. This allows you to layer in new functionality to a class while keeping different concerns cleanly separated.

PluralSight – Advanced C Sharp Collections

PluralSight – Advanced C Sharp Collections-JGTiSO
English | Size: 607.99 MB
Category: CBTs

Learn to use the full range of Microsoft collections, from lists and dictionaries to sets, queues, and concurrent and immutable collections. This course will explore the principles of ensuring code with collections is scalable and robust.

PluralSight – React: the Big Picture

PluralSight – React: the Big Picture-JGTiSO
English | Size: 167.20 MB
Category: Tutorial

Interested in React? This course explores why React is worth considering, tradeoffs to consider, and reasons React may, or may not be the right fit for you.

PluralSight – Javascript Arrays and Collections

PluralSight – Javascript Arrays and Collections-JGTiSO
English | Size: 607.23 MB
Category: CBTs

ECMAScript 6 introduces some new and powerful ways to handle data. This course will introduce you to working with sets and maps as well as typed arrays so you can easily store and process data within your web apps with more functionality.

PluralSight – SharePoint Online Power Users (2019)

PluralSight – SharePoint Online Power Users (2019)-JGTiSO
English | Size: 434.06 MB
Category: Tutorial

SharePoint Online Power Users (2019) will teach you how to go further with alerts, lists, libraries and pages.
Moving to the next level with SharePoint Online, Power Users will teach you how to go further with alerts, lists, libraries and pages.