Packt – JavaScript Interview Preparation: Practice Problems-XQZT
English | Size: 2.16 GB
Category: Tutorial
Succeed in your next JavaScript coding interview by working through practice questions and learning important JavaScript skills and concepts
Packt – JavaScript Interview Preparation: Practice Problems-XQZT
English | Size: 2.16 GB
Category: Tutorial
Succeed in your next JavaScript coding interview by working through practice questions and learning important JavaScript skills and concepts
Packt – Asynchronous JavaScript Deep Dive-XQZT
English | Size: 681.00 MB
Category: Tutorial
Effectively working with asynchronous code in JavaScript is an essential skill for anyone working with JavaScript. This course will take you from a beginner or intermediate level to mastering asynchronous JavaScript. You will start with a discussion of asynchronous code in JavaScript and how it compares with synchronous code. As you progress, you will cover the event loop and the role it plays in asynchronous JavaScript. You will then work with the original asynchronous pattern, the callback. You will dive deep into Promises and then add the async-await pattern to the discussion. In the last section, you will explore generators and how and when they can be used in your code. By the end of this course, you will be proficient in effectively writing and handling asynchronous JavaScript code.
Stone River eLearning – JavaScript Objects and OOP Programming with JavaScript-RiDWARE
English | Size: 684.95 MB
Category: Tutorial
Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript – no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.
Packt – 11 JavaScript Features Critical to Understand-XQZT
English | Size: 1.49 GB
Category: Tutorial
If you are working with JavaScript at all, you need to understand and be able to work with its most critical features.
In this course you will focus on 11 of those critical features. Each feature is addressed on its own, but the course is also structured to build on previously taught features and concepts. You’ll start with some of the most basic features like scope and hoisting, but eventually tackle more complex features like closure and immediately invoked function expressions.
Udemy – JavaScript for QA Engineers and SDETs-BiFiSO
English | Size: 2.80 GB
Category: Tutorial
Learn to code in JavaScript so you can pass your coding interview. Specifically designed for QA. No experience required!
What you’ll learn
JavaScript from the basics to more advanced topics
Applying JavaScript to web applications
Use Node modules to enforce coding standards
Unit testing your code
Use the Visual Studio Code editor