Skillshare – Develop Java MVC Web Apps Using MyBatis Servlets and JSP

Skillshare – Develop Java MVC Web Apps Using MyBatis Servlets and JSP-ViGOROUS
English | Size: 4.13 GB
Category: Tutorial

A Java servlet is a Java software component that extends the capabilities of a server. Although servlets can respond to many types of requests, they most commonly implement web containers for hosting web applications on web servers and thus qualify as a server-side servlet web API. Such web servlets are the Java counterpart to other dynamic web content technologies such as PHP and ASP.NET.

PluralSight – Understanding the Java Virtual Machine Memory Management UPDATED 2020/05/08

PluralSight – Understanding the Java Virtual Machine Memory Management UPDATED 20200508-ELOHiM
English | Size: 163.63 MB
Category: Tutorial

Garbage Collection (GC) is a fundamental part of Java. Understanding how GC works is core to understanding how the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) works and will help you write better applications and to improve the performance of those applications. This course will look at all aspects of garbage collection, including looking at what ‘young’ and ‘old’ generations are, how the JVM moves objects between eden and survivor spaces, how memory is promoted into the ‘old’ generation, how different garbage collectors work and how they affect the running of your application. We will also look at ‘card tables’ and how they help manage memory in the old generation. We will examine each of the garbage collectors including the serial and parallel collectors; the CMS collector and the G1 collector. We cover the tools you can use to monitor GC including jstat and VisualVM. Finally we look at ways you interact with the GC through classes Such as Soft, Weak, and PhantomReference and their associated helpers ReferenceQueue and WeakHashMap

PluralSight – Understanding the Java Virtual Machine Security UPDATED 2020/05/13

PluralSight – Understanding the Java Virtual Machine Security UPDATED 20200513-ELOHiM
English | Size: 143.98 MB
Category: Tutorial

Java security is built around the idea of permissions and policy. Code is granted permissions based on the currently in-force policy. In this course we look at how the security manager and access controller work hand-in-hand to provide this security. The course covers how to set a security manager and how to set up and edit a policy file to grant the levels of permissions that code needs. Permissions are typically based on where code is loaded from but we also look at how to sign code, so that permissions can be based on who created a library. The course also looks at how the AccessController walk the call stack to check that a permission can be granted. While the JRE comes with a set of permissions, these are not always enough so the class covers creating and using your own permissions. Finally we cover the idea of ‘privileged scope’ which allows code to be granted some permission even when code around them should cause the grant to fail

Skillshare – Learn Java Programming JDBC JSP for Complete Beginners

Skillshare – Learn Java Programming JDBC JSP for Complete Beginners-ViGOROUS
English | Size: 585.62 MB
Category: Tutorial

JSP Programming will help to make dynamic web application for various kind of online services. This course will help you to learn all about Java Server Pages. Here, we will focus more on implementation and provided theory and source code with live demonstration to make concepts and fundamentals clear. Here, we will be promising to provide you more upcoming interesting and important educational announcements to practice project for hands-on experience. In addition, we will be providing some experienced technical interview tips and web component application technical professional certifications information. We can provide some sample practice certification question upon request. For any questions and assistance, please feel free to email us on [email protected].

Linkedin Learning – Java-XQZT

Linkedin Learning – Java-XQZT
English | Size: 367.36 MB
Category: Tutorial

Java is one of the top five programming languages, and is used for websites, embedded controllers, and Android app development. Interested in learning how to code with Java? Join instructor Kathryn Hodge as she helps you get up and running with this popular language. Kathryn covers all the basics: data types, strings, functions, and loops. She helps you control the flow and logic of your code, and debug your project to make sure it runs perfectly. Along the way, she provides real-world examples and introduces challenges that allow you to practice your new skills. This course is perfect for developers who need to get up to speed with Java fast, as well as for beginning programmers who want their first taste of this popular