Vertigo – Hex Wives 2019

Vertigo – Hex Wives 2019 Hybrid Comic eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 111.44 MB
Category: E-books

“The women are too powerful. They must be tamed.”

Digital Manga – Cheap Chase 2013

Digital Manga – Cheap Chase 2013 Hybrid Comic eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 190.12 MB
Category: eBook

University student Yoh Shirasane is living happily with his lover, Kaito Iwanami, one of the best detectives on the police force.

Dark Horse – Garbage Man 2022

Dark Horse – Garbage Man 2022 Hybrid Comic eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 395.97 MB
Category: eBook

Ambitious lawyer, Richard Morse, uncovers the illegal operations of a pharmaceutical giant and is abducted and experimented on by the Corporation’s scientists.

Dark Horse – Bankshot 2022

Dark Horse – Bankshot 2022 Hybrid Comic eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 387.75 MB
Category: E-books

A past betrayal has primed Marcus King for revenge–and now that he has been given enhanced abilities,

Digital Manga – Under The Air 2020

Digital Manga – Under The Air 2020 Hybrid Comic eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 796.51 MB
Category: E-books

From science fiction, historical fiction, to contemporary drama, Under the Air includes a variety of tales that depict the duality of man–good and evil; loving and violent.