Cloud Academy – Introduction to Helm-STM

Cloud Academy – Introduction to Helm-STM
English | Size: 842.50 MB
Category: Tutorial

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, used to simplify and enhance the deployment experience for deploying resources into a Kubernetes cluster
This training course explores Helm 3, which is the latest version of Helm building upon the successes of Helm 2

PluralSight – Kubernetes Package Administration with Helm

PluralSight – Kubernetes Package Administration with Helm Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 114.62 MB
Category: Tutorial

Release Notes: Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. With it, applications are bundled into charts which makes it easy to build install, upgrade, and share complex Kubernetes applications In this course, Kubernetes Package Administration with Helm you will learn gain the foundational knowledge to manage Kubernetes packages with Helm. First, you will learn how to set up your local environment to work with Helm, how to install Helm, and then how to configure it. Next, you will discover how to explore Helm releases by deploying a Helm chart, upgrading the application running within a release rolling back that upgrade, and then exploring Helm Charts themselves. Finally, you will explore Helm Repositories You will learn how to package a custom Helm Chart and then push that Chart to a Helm repository running on your local machine. Then you will learn how to create a remote Helm repository and push a custom Chart to it. By using Helm Repositories you’ll be able to easily share your applications. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Helm needed to manage Kubernetes packages

Linux Academy – Helm Deep Dive-BiFiSO

Linux Academy – Helm Deep Dive-BiFiSO
English | Size: 770.08 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course we will be learning Helm the package manager for Kubernetes. We will start with the pre-requisites such as getting a Kubernetes cluster where we can install Tiller, the server side of helm, and ensure that our installation is working and that we are able to create a release. We will then cover charts, these are the packages that helm installs. We will cover the anatomy of a chart and how to make a chart from scratch. We will also show how to customize existing charts so that they can be used as templates for our own releases with Helm.

ArtStation – Texturing Mordred’s Helm with Marcus Johnston

ArtStation – Texturing Mordred’s Helm with Marcus Johnston
English | Size: 2.2GB
Category: Tutorial

In this tutorial I will cover some of the techniques and methods I used to texture Mordred’s Helm for the Artstation ‘Legend of King Arthur’ Challenge, as well as show a brief overview of the rest of the production of the prop.