Frontend Masters – Everything You’ll Need to Know About Git

Frontend Masters – Everything You’ll Need to Know About Git
English | Tutorial | Size: 824.22 MB

Never run into an unsolvable Git problem again. Create and manage repos, branch for parallel development, and resolve conflicts with merge and rebase.

Learn Squared – Sketching Everything with KleinerHai

Learn Squared – Sketching Everything with KleinerHai
English | Tutorial | Size: 4.3GB

Unleash the worlds within you. Under the guidance of acclaimed illustrator KleinerHai, sketching will become so much more than just lines on paper – it will become your bridge to endless possibilities.

Learn Squared – Painting Everything with KleinerHai

Learn Squared – Painting Everything with KleinerHai
English | Tutorial | Size: 7.0GB

Don’t just draft your visions – bring them to life. Under acclaimed illustrator KleinerHai’s expert guidance, you’ll learn to turn your sketches into captivating concept paintings and illustrations.

Ben Carpenter – Everything Fat Loss

Ben Carpenter – Everything Fat Loss
English | Tutorial | Size: 311.02 MB

This is NOT your typical weight loss book.
Weight loss books have historically been rife with misinformation. A conveyor belt of diet books pretending to have the latest revolutionary weight loss “hacks”, trying to grab your attention with whatever weight loss diet is trending.