Lynda – Data Ethics Making Data Driven Decisions

Lynda – Data Ethics Making Data Driven Decisions-APoLLo
English | Size: 1.23 GB
Category: Tutorial

Most companies have complex computer algorithms deciding who gets a bank loan, job interview, or health insurance. Do you have an ethical obligation to explain the decision-making back to your customer? How do you design systems that are free of gender or racial bias? These systems will define your organization. Yet many of these decisions aren’t happening in the boardroom. Instead they’re made in much smaller meetings with people just like you-project managers, business analysts, directors, and software developers. This course gives you the skills you need to make the best decisions. Instructor Doug Rose helps you consider the duties you have to your customer, think about the consequences of your algorithms’ decisions, and acting virtuously when wrestling with key data ethics challenges.

PluralSight – E2e2u Slacks Journey to Developer Driven End to End Testing

PluralSight – E2e2u Slacks Journey to Developer Driven End to End Testing-JGTiSO
English | Size: 310.55 MB
Category: Tutorial

Two years ago, the Slack team presented on an approach that makes authoring reliable Android UI tests easier. To date Slack Android developers have written 637 UI tests and all of them run as part of a merge-blocking (and, most importantly, reliable) pull-request check. Having conquered this level, we set our sights on the top of our test pyramid – automated end to end tests. This test suite was still being maintained by a single hero developer, who through sheer grit and determination, didn’t let this important part of the release process die. Armed with experience in functional UI testing, Slack embarked on an adventure to make our end-to-end test suite a shared responsibility of the entire team. The team’s journey has taken them through the fields of Dagger, the bog of Espresso IdlingResources, the inferno of ProGuard and perhaps, the most challenging of them all, cultural aspects of quality assurance. Valera Zakharov looks forward to sharing where Slack is in their never-ending testing story