Skillshare – Cinema 4D Create Infinite Panning Loop animation with moving cubes

Skillshare – Cinema 4D Create Infinite Panning Loop animation with moving cubes
English | Size: 271.3MB
Category: Tutorial

In this class we`ll use Cinema 4D and After Effects to explore how to create infinite camera panning loop and render it with Redshift .

Used Software: Cinema 4D (R20 Studio) and Redshift for rendering (but you can use any render engine for this class)

Skillshare – Adobe After Effects CC Create a space scene

Skillshare – Adobe After Effects CC Create a space scene
English | Size: 469.7MB
Category: Tutorial

Adobe After Effects CC: Create a space scene is built around helping Adobe After Effects users and students learn the skills needed to for Digital Matte Painting and Digital compositing. There are many different uses for After Effects which can be covered but this course is focused primarily on Compositing multiple assets together to create a photo-realistic environment.