Linux Academy – Beginners Guide to ContAIners and Orchestration

Linux Academy – Beginners Guide to ContAIners and Orchestration-BiFiSO
English | Size: 860.10 MB
Category: Tutorial

Containers and container orchestration are in the process of transforming the way the technology industry does what it does. If you are not familiar with these technologies, it can be a little difficult to understand what people are talking about when they talk about containers! This course will offer you a non-technical beginner-level introduction to the concepts of containers and container orchestration. It will discuss some of the tools and buzzwords that you may have heard in association with these technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes, and it will give you an understanding of what they mean. If you want to gain a better understanding of what containers and orchestration are all about, this is the course for you!

Packt – Python in Containers-XQZT

Packt – Python in Containers-XQZT
English | Size: 6.97 GB
Category: Tutorial

All about containers, Docker, and Kubernetes for Python engineers.
Docker and Kubernetes are must-have skills for Python engineers these days. Whether your focus is on machine learning and data science or you use Python as a general programming language, you must understand Docker and Kubernetes, as they form the basis of modern cloud-native applications built using microservice architectures.

Frontendmasters – Complete Intro to Containers

Frontendmasters – Complete Intro to Containers
English | Size: 4.22 GB
Category: Tutorial

What started as a way to manage multiple servers on one system has grown into the way we develop, write code, ship applications, and coordinate large scale applications! Containers may have started as tools for the ops team, but now everyone needs to learn to build and use them. In this course you’ll learn, what containers are and how to create containers from scratch, how to run containers from Dockerhub, how to create your own containers with Docker files, best practices are for front-end and Node.js code in containers, and how to create development environments with containers.

Cloud Academy – Basics of Using Containers in Production

Cloud Academy – Basics of Using Containers in Production-STM
English | Size: 986.73 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course is for anyone with a basic understanding of what containers are, and even why you’d want to use them but who doesn’t understand the nitty-gritty of how they work yet. You should have a basic technical literacy, as well as an understanding of cloud app architecture. In this course, you’ll learn about the major concepts around containers. You’ll learn about different container systems learn all about orchestration, get a better understanding of how and why to build and run 12-factor apps on containers, container security issues, and you’ll even get a quick look at how to get a microservices app up-and running on your computer in about two minutes with Docker compose