Blender Bros – Complete Guide to HardOps and Box Cutter

Blender Bros – Complete Guide to HardOps and Box Cutter
English | Size: 5.6GB
Category: Tutorial

The ULTIMATE Guide to Hard Ops and Boxcutter is an in-depth and easy-to-understand series of tutorials showcasing each tool, and WHEN and HOW to use it.

SANS – SEC573 v2020 Complete

SANS – SEC573 v2020 Complete
English | Size: 14.07 GB
Category: Programming | HACKING

All security professionals, including penetration testers, forensic analysts, network defenders, security administrators, and incident responders, have one experience in common: CHANGE. Tools, technologies, and threats change constantly, but Python is a simple, user-friendly language that can help you keep pace with change, allowing you to write custom tools and automate tasks to effectively manage and respond to your unique threats.