BBC – Fighting for King and Empire Britain’s Caribbean Heroes (2015)

BBC – Fighting for King and Empire: Britain’s Caribbean Heroes (2015)
English | Size: 1.33 GB
Category: Tutorial

During the Second World War, thousands of men and women from the Caribbean colonies volunteered to come to Britain to join the fight against Hitler. They risked their lives for king and empire, but their contribution has largely been forgotten.

Channel 4 – The Unremembered Britain’s Forgotten War Heroes (2019)

Channel 4 – The Unremembered: Britain’s Forgotten War Heroes (2019)
English | Size: 1.03 GB
Category: Documentary

A century ago, in the aftermath of the First World War, Britain established vast war cemeteries to honour each individual who died serving the nation. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission set up to run them became famous for its principle of equality in death for everyone, regardless of the military rank or their role in civilian life. David Lammy journeys across Kenya and Tanzania to find out why many African soldiers and porters were overlooked during the conflict, and their names forgotten. He also looks at the impact this has on modern Africa and its communities today, and why he believes Britain has to put this right.

BBC – Britain’s Biggest Dig (2020)

BBC – Britain’s Biggest Dig (2020)
English | Size: 2.30 GB
Category: Documnentary

Anthropologist Professor Alice Roberts and historian Dr Yasmin Khan explore the tale of two of Britain’s greatest cities – how one became the capital of a global empire and the other the workshop of the world – through the giant excavations being undertaken at either end of the first stage of the HS2 rail project.

Channel 5 – Brunel Building a Great Britain (2020)

Channel 5 – Brunel: Building a Great Britain (2020)
English | Size: 1.38 GB
Category: Documentary

Examining the story of the Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the man who designed the world’s fastest railway, longest suspension bridge and largest ship. Over 150 years on from his death, this film goes back in time to explore the extraordinary stories behind Brunel’s greatest creations, including the Great Western Railway and the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The film also explores the wider story of what kind of Britain Brunel’s genius was able to flourish in.

BBC – Fighting the Power Britain after George Floyd (2020)

BBC – Fighting the Power: Britain after George Floyd (2020)
English | Size: 899 MB
Category: Documentary

George Floyd’s killing in the US state of Minnesota sparked protests about policing, privilege and a revolution in race relations. Britain boldly presents itself as a beacon of racial tolerance, but with demonstrations sweeping the country, organisers believe that they are closer than ever to changing the way British institutions and individuals treat black people across the UK. There have been multiple campaigns for equality and justice for black British communities in the past, but none quite like this.