CBT Nuggets – Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) – Core Azure Services

CBT Nuggets – Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) – Core Azure Services
English | Size: 1008.17 MB
Category: Cloud-Comp | Microsoft

In this Microsoft Azure Fundamentals training, Chuck Keith prepares technical and non-technical professionals to take the AZ-900 exam, which is the one required exam to earn the Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals certification.

Cloud Academy – Introduction to Azure Container Service ACS

Cloud Academy – Introduction to Azure Container Service ACS-STM
English | Size: 798.50 MB
Category: Tutorial

The Azure Container Service (ACS) is a cloud-based container deployment and management service that supports popular open source tools and technologies for container and container orchestration. ACS allows you to run containers at scale in production and manages the underlying infrastructure for you by configuring the appropriate VMs and clusters for you. ACS is orchestrator agnostic and allows you to use the container orchestration solution that best suits your needs. Learn how to use ACS to scale and orchestrate applications using DC/OS, Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes

Cloud Academy – Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB-STM

Cloud Academy – Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB-STM
English | Size: 602.10 MB
Category: Tutorial

Cosmos DB is one of many database solutions in a crowded market. From DynamoDB to Cassandra to CockroachDB, the questions one would naturally ask when examining Cosmos DB are, what makes it special and how can I get started with it? This course answers both of those questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible. This course is for anyone with an interest in database technologies or creating software using Microsoft Azure. Whether you are a DevOps engineer, a database admin, a product manager, or a sales expert, this course will help you learn how to power your technology with one of Azure’s most innovative data solutions From this course, you will learn how to make use of Cosmos DB’s incredible flexibility and performance. This course is made up of 9 comprehensive lectures to guide you from the basics to how to create your own app using Cosmos DB

Skylines Academy – Microsoft AZ-500 Certification Azure Security Technologies

Skylines Academy – Microsoft AZ-500 Certification: Azure Security Technologies
English | Size: 1.62 GB
Category: Tutorial

Welcome to the NEW Skylines Academy AZ-500 Course!
Properly securing resources while making them available to users that require access is a constant concern within an IT and cloud environment. This course will explore how to manage identities, provide role-based access, and secure data within an Azure ecosystem.
During your journey, Skylines Academy will lead you through a series of sections, modules, and demos to prepare you for taking, and ultimately passing, the Microsoft Azure AZ-500 exam.

INE – Deploying and Configuring Azure Infrastructure

INE – Deploying and Configuring Azure Infrastructure
English | Size: 2.4 GB
Category: Programming | Cloud-Comp | E-learning | Hyper-V | Linux | Networking

This course is intended for Azure Architects, developers, and administrators who need a deep understanding of Azure Infrastructure operations to further their career or in preparation for the AZ-300 certification exam. This course will delve into implementing the key Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) capabilities including virtual machines, virtual networks, and storage. The course will also cover monitoring resources and migrating infrastructure workloads into Azure.